People living with HIV have health needs beyond just HIV. Providing person-centred care means addressing other health needs, which may include treatment of other acute or chronic co-infections and morbidities and the provision of family planning and other sexual and reproductive health services.
The case-studies below showcase integration of DSD models for HIV treatment with TB preventative therapy (TPT), family planning and chronic treatment for non-communicable diseases (NCDs). While the majority of these examples are for treatment models, health service integration should take place across the cascade and we look forward to adding more examples for integration within prevention and testing models as these become available.
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Integration model examples
These examples of DSD models that integrate treatment for HIV with other health needs are also featured on their relevant DSD treatment models pages.
Postnatal clubs with integrated family planning, South Africa
In Khayelitsha, South Africa, postnatal clubs for breastfeeding women and their HIV-exposed infants are run at a health facility. Groups of three to 15 women and their babies atten the…
Community adherence group with integrated family planning, Kenya
In Ndhiwa, Kenya, the community ART group (CAG) is one of the DSD for HIV treatment models offered. Four to 12 people living with HIV form a group and meet…
Fast-track ART with family planning integration, Uganda
A facility-based fast-track model is one of the differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment models offered in Uganda. Clients are seen for a clinical visit every six months and receive…
Medication adherence clubs with non-communicable disease (NCD) integration, Kenya
In Kibera, Kenya, there was a high volume of people living with HIV, as well as clients with hypertension and diabetes. Building on the experience of group models for clients…
HIV clubs with integrated tuberculosis preventive therapy (TPT), South Africa
Adherence clubs (ACs) for people established on treatment were rolled-out in the Cape Town Metro health district of South Africa in 2011. ACs, now known as HIV Clubs, are groups…
Fast-track with integrated tuberculosis preventative therapy (TPT), Zambia
The Ministry of Health in Zambia, in collaboration with supporting partners, is expanding implementation of aligning six months of TPT with ART refills, as clients enroll in a fast-track ART…
Community-based points of ART distribution (PODI) and TB service integration, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
In 2016, the DRC adopted “test and treat”, leading to increases in clinic caseloads for healthcare workers, as well as extended waiting times for clients. In two provinces in south-eastern…