NEW! DSD policy dashboards on integration: Family planning (Sept 2024)

This dashboard describes how family planning is integrated into DSD for HIV treatment models as outlined in national guidelines of 21 countries across the African continent.

NEW! DSD policy dashboards on integration: Controlled non-communicable diseases (Sept 2024)

This dashboard describes if and how non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are integrated into DSD for HIV treatment models as per the national guidelines of 21 countries across the African continent. It also describes the duration and alignment of NCD refills and clinical reviews.

NEW! DSD policy dashboard on the eligibility of children for DSD and inclusion in less-intensive DSD models (Sept 2024)

This dashboard describes if and from what age children are eligible for enrolment in DSD and inclusion in less-intensive DSD models, as per the national guidelines of 19 countries across the African continent.

In 2020, many countries adapted and expanded differentiated service delivery (DSD) for HIV treatment to meet the challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. Around the world, countries released interim policies expanding eligibility for DSD, antiretroviral therapy (ART) refills and prescriptions and recommending community-based models.

These dashboards were created by the DSD programme at the IAS – International AIDS Society to summarize key elements of national DSD treatment policies, including the available policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. They convey policy information in a quick and easy-to-understand graphic format.

Access national HIV policies related to DSD here, or view our COVID-19 pages for national and global policies on COVID-19 related DSD adaptations, as well as other useful resources.

Click on the ovals in the table to access the referenced policy, or download the PDF with fully hyperlinked reference list.  

Please note that these dashboards are beta versions, we welcome feedback and comments to [email protected].


Report: National policy dashboards of differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment

This report summarizes all the DSD dashboards presented below


DSD Dashboard: Time on ART before eligible for DSD for HIV treatment

This dashboard indicates the minimum duration an eligible client must be on antiretroviral therapy (ART) before inclusion in a country’s DSD model


DSD Dashboard: Regimens eligible in DSD for HIV treatment

This dashboard shows which ART regimens are eligible for inclusion in DSD treatment models according to country


DSD Dashboard: Maximum duration of ART refills for adults within DSD for HIV treatment

This dashboard summarizes national policy on the maximum ART refill length for eligible adults within DSD models


DSD Dashboard: DSD ART refill length by age group

This dashboard summarises national policies on DSD ART refill length by age group


DSD Dashboard: Frequency of clinical consultations among those in DSD for HIV treatment models

This dashboard visualizes national policies on the frequency of clinical consultations within DSD for HIV treatment models


DSD Dashboard: Eligibility of children (0-14 years) in DSD for HIV treatment

This dashboard indicates national policy on the categories of children eligible for DSD for HIV treatment


DSD Dashboard: Eligibility for pregnant and breastfeeding women in DSD for HIV treatment

This dashboard summarises national policies on inclusion of pre and post natal women in DSD HIV treatment models


DSD Dashboard: Eligibility of older adolescents (15-18yrs) in DSD for HIV treatment

This dashboard summarises national policies on inclusion of older adolescents in DSD for HIV treatment


DSD Dashboard: Integration of TB preventive therapy (TPT) within DSD for HIV treatment models

This dashboard summarises national policies on integration of TB preventive therapy (TPT) withint DSD for HIV treatment models


DSD Dashboard: Integration of non-communicable disease refills within DSD for HIV treatment models

This dashboard summarises national policies on integration of non-communicable disease refulls within DSD for HIV treatment models


DSD Dashboard: Integration of family planning within DSD for HIV treatment models

This dashboard summarises national policies on integration of family planning within DSD for HIV treatment models

DSD Dashboard: Group models of DSD for HIV treatment

This dashboard summarises national policies on group models of DSD for HIV treatment


DSD Dashboard: Community models of DSD for HIV treatment

This dashboard summarises national policies on community models of DSD for HIV treatment