Download editions of the newsletter. This newsletter promotes knowledge sharing among stakeholders working on DSD and provides updates on related activities.
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DSD for PEP and PrEP (December 2024)
In this edition, we focus on differentiated delivery of PEP and PrEP, highlighting recently revised guidance from the World Health Organization.

Reflections on AIDS 2024 from a DSD perspective (Oct 2024)
In this edition, we spotlight the latest DSD evidence that was shared at AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference.

DSD at re-engagement in HIV treatment services (July 2024)
In this edition, we focus on re-engagement guidance and re=engagement policy implementation experiences.

DSD for HIV and other chronic conditions (March 2024)
In this edition, we focus on DSD for HIV and other chronic conditions with examples from Uganda and Malawi.

Supporting clients in their first year on HIV treatment (December 2023)
In this edition, we focus on policies and approaches to support clients in their first year on treatment.

Reflections on IAS 2023 from a DSD perspective (September 2023)
This edition shares key DSD-related highlights and research from IAS 2023.

Facilitating effective transitions between DSD models for HIV treatment and adolescent transitioning clubs in Eswatini (June 2023)
An update on the latest DSD news, research and events with an opinion piece calling for DSD models to be designed and delivered around the choices, options and priorities of service recipients. Find out more about how Eswatini supports adolescents living with HIV through transitioning clubs.

Policy changes limiting access to PrEP in Thailand and DSD demand creation in Mozambique (March 2023)
The latest DSD news and updates with a focus on recent policy changes impacting access to PrEP in Thailand and civil society efforts to create demand for DSD in Mozambique.

DSD for PrEP with insights from Zimbabwe and Zambia (November 2022)
An update on the latest DSD news, research and events with a focus on DSD for PrEP

Reflections on AIDS 2022 from a DSD perspective (September 2022)
This newsletter summarizes the latest DSD science, as presented at AIDS 2022.

Re-engagement in HIV care (June 2022)
This newsletter focuses on HIV care re-engagement strategies and interventions.

National DSD policy updates in Mozambique and integrated PrEP and HIVST in Kenya (March 2022)
This newsletter shares Mozambique’s experience of updating its DSD policy and spotlights an integrated PrEP and HIV self-testing model in Kenya.

Spotlight on DSD in Southeast Asia (November 2021)
This newsletter highlights innovative DSD models in Thailand and Indonesia.

DSD in times of COVID-19: Reflections on IAS 2021 (September 2021)
In this edition, we spotlight the latest DSD research arising from IAS 2021 – the 11th IAS Conference on HIV Science.

Access to DSD for HIV treatment models for pregnant and breastfeeding women and adolescent girls (June 2021)
This newsletter explores DSD for pregnant and breastfeeding women and adolescent girls, featuring postnatal clubs in South Africa.

Do DSD models for HIV treatment save money? (March 2021)
This newsletter focuses on DSD of HIV treatment and cost effectiveness with recent evidence from sub-Saharan Africa, and spotlights DSD in Uganda.

Integrating rights-based family planning and HIV care (November 2020)
This newsletter focuses on DSD and contraceptive care, spotlighting work in Kenya and sharing the latest DSD news and upcoming webinars.

Reflections on AIDS 2020: Virtual (September 2020)
This newsletter summarizes DSD content from AIDS 2020: Virtual and spotlights DSD in action in Trinidad and Tobago and Uganda

DSD for easier and equitable access to PrEP (June 2020)
This newsletter explores how DSD can enhance access to PrEP and spotlights DSD in action in Cameroon and Vietnam

This is us: Client perspectives on DSD (March 2020)
This newsletter looks at DSD issues from the clients’ perspective and spotlights DSD in action in Zambia

The time is now: Political commitment and financing for DSD (December 2019)
This newsletter highlights political and financing issues related to DSD and spotlights DSD in action in Guinea and Zimbabwe

Reflections on IAS 2019 (September 2019)
This newsletter summarizes the DSD content arising from IAS 2019 and spotlights DSD in action in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the United States

Men and HIV (July 2019)
This newsletter explores issues related to the engagement of men in HIV programmes and spotlights DSD in action in South Africa and Lesotho

HIV linkage and antiretroviral therapy initiation: What is the role of DSD? (April 2019)
This newsletter considers the role of DSD in HIV linkage and antiretroviral therapy initiation and also spotlights DSD in action in Côte d’Ivoire and South Africa

It’s time to accelerate the TB response (January 2019)
This newsletter advocates for differentiated interventions in the TB response and spotlights DSD in action in Zimbabwe and Uganda

It’s time to test and deliver differently: Building on findings from AIDS 2018 (November 2018)
This newsletter summarizes DSD content from AIDS 2018 and spotlights DSD in action in Zimbabwe and Thailand

Differentiated HIV testing (July 2018)
This newsletter focusses on differentiated HIV testing and spotlights DSD in action in Viet Nam and Tanzania

Differentiated service delivery for key populations (March 2018)
This newsletter focuses on DSD for key populations and spotlights DSD in action in the Balkans and India

Demanding differentiated care: Mobilizing community action (December 2017)
This newsletter looks at how to engage communities in DSD and spotlights DSD in action in the Asia Pacific region and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Reflections on IAS 2017 (October 2017)
This newsletter summarizes DSD content from IAS 2017 and spotlights DSD in action in Zimbabwe and Malawi