In 2016, the DRC adopted “test and treat”, leading to increases in clinic caseloads for healthcare workers, as well as extended waiting times for clients. In two provinces in south-eastern DRC, community-based points of antiretroviral therapy (ART) distribution called PODIs (points de distribution), an out-of-facility individual model, were introduced and offered to clients, along with two other treatment models.

Three PODI sites were established, supporting 1,848 clients who were established on ART. High rates of retention were observed (94.9% at six months, 89.3% at 12 months and 82.4% at 24 months) and transport costs reduced by two-thirds. The waiting time for a PODI ART refill is 12 minutes, compared with 85 minutes in the hospital.  

Clients are screened for tuberculosis (TB) at each visit and referred to the health facility if the screen is positive. If a client is eligible for tuberculosis preventive therapy (TPT), they receive isoniazid (INH) from the community site monthly for six months. ART refills continue to be given every three months. ART and INH are dispensed by peer educations who are trained and recognize the signs and symptoms of side-effects of both ART and INH. If clinical problems arise, the peer educator escorts the client to the health facility.


At least 12 months on ART, virally supressed, nil opportunistic infections in the past three months, 15 years or older and not pregnant.

Building blocks of TPT within PoDi+

Screening for TB 


Verbal symptom screen


Every three months


Community ART distribution point


Peer educator

Initiation of TPT


TPT eligibility assessment Initiation of IPT and pyridoxine TPT treatment literacy


For newly initiated, start at baseline and complete prior to entry into PoDi model If not had TPT, receive it at next negative TB screen


Community ART distribution point


Peer educator

TPT refill


Continued TPT treatment literacy TPT follow-up assessment (TPT side-effects and/or TB symptoms) Refill of INH and pyridoxine (only aligned every third month with ART refill)


Every month


Community ART distribution point


Peer educator

Completion of TPT


TB symptom assessment TPT completion documented in M&E systems


After six months


Community ART distribution point


Peer educator

Variations for Specific Populations

Further reading

Interested in in Leveraging differentiated ART delivery models for stable clients to scale up TB preventive therapy? Read more here. Also available in French and Portuguese.

Learn about TPT integration within adherence clubs in South Africa here.

Learn about TPT integration within facility fast-track in Zambia here.