REPORT: The Design, Implementation, and Effectiveness of Teen Models of Care: Lessons from MSF Supported Programmes Providing Treatment and Care for Adolescents Aged 10 to 19 living with HIV in Malawi and Uganda (MSF) (2024)
Since 2017, MSF developed and introduced dedicated “Teens clubs” for adolescents living with HIV in the rural district of Chiradzulu (Malawi) and the town of Arua (Uganda) in two long term projects in partnership with the Ministry of Health. Find out about the first lessons learned from these initiatives, which aim to empower teens and adapt delivery of care to local contexts.
Blog post: Adolescents living with HIV: Lessons from MSF Programmes in Malawi and Uganda (Epicentre) (2024)
Inspired by models of care adapted to young people, MSF launched dedicated youth activities in the town of Arua (Uganda) and in the highly HIV-affected rural district of Chiradzulu (Malawi) in 2017. In Uganda, the project focuses on peer support and education. In Malawi, the very rural context has led to the provision of two types of intervention: a teens club for adolescents with no detectable viral load, and a one-day intensive clinic for those with a higher viral load, focusing on virological monitoring, adherence counselling and rapid transition to second-line treatment, if necessary. Learn more in this Epicentre Blog Post.