
Partners working on HIV care and treatment across Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) in Africa identified the development of an Advanced HIV Disease (AHD) toolkit as a critical enabler to support the rollout of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended package of care for people with AHD. The Global AHD toolkit is the culmination of this recognition and involves a strong collaboration of partners under the AHD Implementation Steering Committee (ISC) of the Unitaid/CHAI AHD Initiative.

Guiding principles for the development of the toolkit:

  1. Focus on current WHO recommendations for AHD care.
  2. Considers Ministries of Health (MoH), the community, frontline healthcare workers and Partners, the primary target audience in a bid to support planning, training and treatment literacy for AHD rollout and implementation.
  3. Development of training content is currently focused on commodities provided through the Unitaid AHD initiative.  These relate primarily to the diagnosis, prevention and management of HIV-related tuberculous and cryptococcal disease.
  4. Recognition of the need for MOHs to review and adapt tools from the toolkit considering local guidelines, priorities, and context.
  5. The division of training materials for ease of implementation into AHD ‘hub’, ‘spoke’ and programmatic slide decks.

The Global AHD Toolkit

The Global AHD toolkit is divided into 6 sections and features tools developed by Partners. Sections and tools are listed below:

1. Introduction

Introduction to the Global AHD toolkit (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM, 2019)

2. Basics of AHD

Basics of AHD (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM, 2019)

Components of the package of care for PLHIV with AHD (Guidelines, WHO, 2017)

Algorithm for providing a package of care for PLHIV with AHD (Guidelines, WHO, 2017)

Minimum diagnostic package of care for AHD (Video, SAMU MSF, 2019)

3. Patient literacy & community materials

NEW! – TB symptoms (Poster/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram fliers, AFROCAB/CHAI/Unitaid, 2022)

NEW! – TB LAM test Poster/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram fliers, AFROCAB/CHAI/Unitaid, 2022)

NEW! – Prevent meningitis! (Poster/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram fliers, AFROCAB/CHAI/Unitaid, 2022)

What is Advanced HIV Disease? (Poster/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram fliers, AFROCAB/CHAI/Unitaid, 2022)

Advanced HIV Disease can be prevented! (Poster/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram fliers, AFROCAB/CHAI/Unitaid, 2022)

Common infections in Advanced HIV Disease (Poster/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram fliers, AFROCAB/CHAI/Unitaid, 2022)

Not feeling well (Poster/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram fliers, AFROCAB/CHAI/Unitaid, 2022)

Drug holiday or pill break? (Poster/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram fliers, AFROCAB/CHAI/Unitaid, 2022)

Think you may have TB or other illness? (Poster/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram fliers, AFROCAB/CHAI/Unitaid, 2022)

AHD treatment literacy booklet for recipients of care (Booklet, HIV i-Base/CHAI, 2020)

AHD treatment literacy facility poster (Poster, HIV i-Base/CHAI, 2020)

AHD treatment literacy training manual for peer educators (Manual, HIV i-Base/CHAI, 2020)

Information card for patient presenting with AHD (Leaflet, CDC/MMSN, 2018)

HIV and brain infection (Leaflet, Eswatini MoH/EGPAF/CDC Foundation/MSF/University Research Co. LLC, 2019)

Patient guide to latent TB infection and TPT (Leaflet, Division of Global HIV TB office, CDC 2018)

4. Programmatic AHD tools

NEW! – Advanced HIV Disease Commodity Calculator (Quantification tool, CHAI/Unitaid, 2021)

One-page baseline tool for assessing facility readiness for AHD services (Checklist, CHAI/DREAMM, 2020)

Differentiated service delivery for AHD (Slide, IAS, 2019)

Programmatic considerations for scale up of AHD interventions (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM, 2019)

Baseline assessment tool for facilities AHD (Checklist, EGPAF, 2019)

Spoke facility assessment tool for the provision of AHD care (Checklist, CHAI/DREAMM, 2019)

Hub facility assessment tool for the provision of AHD care (Checklist, CHAI/DREAMM, 2019)

Differentiated care for adults with AHD (Guideline, ICAP CQUIN, 2019)

TB/HIV indicator reference guide (Guide, Division of Global HIV TB office CDC, 2018)

TB Preventive Treatment sample M&E register (Register, Division of Global HIV TB office CDC, 2018)

TPT Implementation Checklist (Checklist, Division of Global HIV TB office CDC, 2018)

TPT FAQ for Program Staff (Guide, Division of Global HIV TB office CDC, 2018)

Costing tool for TPT scale up (Guide, Division of Global HIV TB office CDC, 2018)

5. Training materials

NEW! – Management of cryptococcal meningitis in Advanced HIV Disease (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM/SHARE-CM, 2023)

NEW! – Workshop on safe administration of single high-dose L-AmB regimen for cryptococcal meningitis (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM/SHARE-CM, 2023)

NEW! – Workshop on safe administration of one-week amphotericin B deoxycholate + 5FC regimen for cryptococcal meningitis (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM/SHARE-CM, 2023)

Updated! –  Training for Hub facilities managing Advanced HIV Disease (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM/SHARE-CM, 2023)

Updated! – Workshop on safe administration of flucytosine & fluconaozle oral regimen for cryptococcal meningitis in Advanced HIV Disease (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM/SHARE-CM, 2023)

How to reconstitute single high-dose liposomal amphotericin for cryptococcal meningitis (video, SHARE-CM, 2022)

Safe prescribing of single high-dose liposomal amphotericin regimen for cryptococcal meningitis (video, SHARE-CM, 2022)

How to conduct IMMY CrAg LFA Test (Video, IDI Uganda/CHAI/Unitaid, 2021)

How to conduct Determine TB LAM Test (Video, IDI Uganda/CHAI/Unitaid, 2021)

Workshop on lumbar puncture procedure (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM, 2020)

Workshop on safe administration of liposomal amphotericin B (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM, 2020)

Procedure for preparation of liposomal amphotericin B for administration (Video, IDI Uganda/CHAI/Unitaid, 2020)

AHD training slides for Spoke facilities (Slide, DREAMM/CHAI, 2019)

Workshop on how to perform CrAg LFA tests (Slide, DREAMM, 2018)

Workshop on the safe administration of amphotericin B deoxycholate (Slide, DREAMM, 2018)

AHD care post hospital discharge (Slide, CHAI/DREAMM, 2019)

6. Job aids

NEW! – AHD Toolkit App (Android, CHAI/Infectious Disease Institute, 2023)

NEW! – AHD Toolkit App (IOS, CHAI/Infectious Disease Institute, 2023)

NEW! – Safe administration of single high-dose liposomal amphotericin B regimen for cryptococcal meningitis (Poster, CHAI/DREAMM/SHARE-CM, 2023)

NEW! – Safe administration of one-week amphotericin B deoxycholate + flucytosine for cryptococcal meningitis in Advanced HIV Disease (Poster, CHAI/DREAMM/SHARE-CM, 2023)

Updated! – Safe administration of flucytosine & fluconaozle oral regimen for cryptococcal meningitis in Advanced HIV Disease (Poster, CHAI/DREAMM/SHARE-CM, 2023)

Updated! – Summary of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis (Poster, CHAI/DREAMM/SHARE-CM, 2023)

CSF Analysis Parameters by CNS Infection (Poster, DREAMM, 2021)

CSF Analysis Parameters by CNS Infection [FRENCH] (Poster, DREAMM, 2021)

One-week liposomal amphotericin B + flucytosine for management of cryptococcal meningitis (Poster, DREAMM/CHAI, 2020)

How to perform the CrAg LFA test using IMMY kits (Poster, DREAMM, 2018)

How to perform the CrAg LFA test using Biosynex CryptoPS RDT (Poster, DREAMM, 2018)

NEW! – Summary of HIV-associated Cryptococcal meningitis [FRENCH] (Poster, DREAMM, 2021)

Safe administration of liposomal amphotericin B (Poster, CHAI/DREAMM, 2019)

Safe administration of amphotericin B deoxycholate (Poster, DREAMM, 2018)

NEW! – Safe administration of amphotericin B deoxycholate [FRENCH] (Poster, DREAMM, 2021)

Safe administration of flucytosine and fluconazole (Poster, DREAMM, 2018)

Antifungal drug interactions app (App, Fungal Infections Trust, 2019)

Clinical algorithm for screening, diagnosis & prevention of TB (Poster, Division of Global HIV TB office, CDC 2018)

Algorithm for evaluating PLHIV who are seriously ill for TB or have CD4 <100 (Guidelines, Global Laboratory Initiative, 2018)

Adult clinical algorithm for use of 3HP (Slide, IMPAACT4TB, 2019)

TPT and Resistance (Brief, IMPAACT4TB, 2019)

Fixed dose combination of INH/CTX/B6 (Poster, CHAI, 2019)


This toolkit was developed through a collaborative process involving a coalition of partners (The World Health Organization, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, St George’s University of London, United States Agency for International Development, Médecins Sans Frontières, SHARE-CM group, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, International AIDS Society, National Institute for Communicable Diseases South Africa, National Institute for Medical Research Tanzania, Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, Infectious Disease Institute Uganda, U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, The Global Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Health Impact Group, Coalition Plus, Medical Mycology Society of Nigeria and Lighthouse Malawi) and made possible through the Unitaid Advanced HIV Disease Initiative.


Alexander Jordan, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Amir Shroufi, CDC Foundation

Angela Loyse, Driving Reduced AIDS-associated Meningo-encephalitis Mortality (DREAMM)/St. Georges University Hospital London (SGUL) 

Anna Grimsrud, International AIDS Society

Barry Longwe, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Ben Cheng, The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Brian Ngwatu, Clinton Health Access Initiative

Carmen Pérez Casas, Unitaid

Carolyn Amole, Clinton Health Access Initiative

Chase Perfect, Coalition Plus

Danielle Ferris, Unitaid

David Meya, Makerere University/Infectious Diseases Institute, Uganda/University of Minnesota

David Lawrence, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine/SHARE-CM/IMPRINT

Elfriede Agyemang, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Eric Goemaere, Médecins Sans Frontières International

Florence Anam, Médecins Sans Frontières International

Gabriella Ferlazzo, Médecins Sans Frontières International

Gilles van Cutsem, Médecins Sans Frontières International

Gregory Greene, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Heather Paulin, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Helen Bygrave, International AIDS Society

Herb Harwell, Clinton Health Access Initiative

Ikechukwu Amamilo, Clinton Health Access Initiative

Ikwo Oboho, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Jason Williams, USAID

Jennifer Cohn, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Jessica Burry, Médecins Sans Frontières International

Joram Sunguti, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Katherine Blumer, Unitaid

Lara Vojnov, World Health Organization

Lee Abdelfadil, The Global Fund

Lynne Wilkinson, International AIDS Society

Miriam Rabkin, ICAP at Columbia, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health

Mohammed Lamorde, Infectious Diseases Institute, Uganda,

More Mungati, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Nathan Ford, World Health Organization

Nelesh Govender, National Institute for Communicable Diseases, South Africa

Patricia Hall, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Peter Ehrenkranz, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Richard Borain, Clinton Health Access Initiative

Rita Oladele, Medical Mycology Society of Nigeria

Roland Van de Ven, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Sam Phiri, Lighthouse Malawi

Sarita Shah, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Satvinder Singh, World Health Organization

Sayoki Mfinanga, National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania

Serhin Birhanu, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Sokoine Kivuyo, National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania

Teri Roberts, International AIDS Society

Tom Boyle, The Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute

Tom Chiller, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Tom Harrison, St Georges University London/SHARE-CM/IMPRINT

Wale Ajose, Unitaid

The development of the Global AHD toolkit was led by Angela Loyse (DREAMM), Ikechukwu Amamilo (CHAI) and Brian Ngwatu (CHAI)

Have a suggestion or tool to recommend? Please contact, Ikechukwu Amamilo