IAS 2023, the 12th IAS Conference on HIV Science took place from 23 -26 July in Brisbane, Australia, and virtually. Check out the presentations shared at the satellite session organized by the DSD team at IAS – the International AIDS Society on 24 July. For more conference content, please see the below DSD roadmap for IAS 2023.
DSD roadmap for IAS 2023
Check out the IAS 2023 DSD roadmap, which lists relevant satellite sessions, symposia, oral abstract sessions and posters presented at the conference.
IAS 2023 satellite session: DSD model transitions: Supporting the evolving care needs of people living with HIV Monday, 24 July, 7:30-8:30, AEST/UTC+10, Boulevard Auditorium/Channel 7
One of the primary goals of differentiated service delivery (DSD) for HIV is to alleviate the burden of lifelong antiretroviral therapy – and clinical visits for clients. DSD responds to clients’ expectations and needs and thereby honors the principle of person-centredness. However, to truly fulfil its promise, DSD requires a dynamic healthcare system that acknowledges that health needs evolve over time – and provides flexible responses. Service delivery transition needs can be related to growing older with HIV, pregnancy status, clinical characteristics, but also client preferences or model availability. This satellite will focus on ways to support clients’ moves or transitions between models, as their health needs and preferences evolve. It will examine transitions from less-intensive to more intensive DSD models and vice versa, as well as transitions between DSD models of the same intensity. This session is addressed at clients, programme planners and implementers, researchers, as well as policy makers.