South African adherence guidelines
The South African adherence guidelines (February 2016) and ART adherence club (AC) SOP provide details for the implementation of ACs to support long-term retention of ART clients.
The South African adherence guidelines (February 2016) and ART adherence club (AC) SOP provide details for the implementation of ACs to support long-term retention of ART clients.
Western Cape ART adherence club (AC) guidelines (March 2015) which detail the Western Cape ACs SOPs, including eligibility criteria, club procedures and monitoring systems.
Out-of-facility individual models vary according to where in the community the services are provided, as well as what services are delivered and by whom. They can be divided into three…
The principle of differentiating between the need for a clinical visit versus an ART refill visit, combined with extended ART refills, has been used in a number of facility-based individual…
The most common example of a client-managed group is a self-forming group of people living with HIV who meet at an agreed community location and nominate a member to collect…
Evidence on health care worker-managed groups highlights improved client outcomes, both at individual sites and at scale, and suggests benefits to specific client populations, including children, their caregivers and adolescents…
This citable publication from the Differentiated Service Delivery Programme at the IAS includes all of the information from our regularly updated evidence summaries pages as at November 2020. The document…
Selected DSD and COVID-19 relevant content from PrEP Learning Network, Asia Pacific Coalition on Men’s sexual health (APCOM), CQUIN and others. Click on the headings below to access content from the…
APCOM, with support from LINKAGES, is hosting a webinar series on COVID-19 and HIV. The first webinar in the series was on 14 August 2020, Community-Based Organisations and innovative solutions…
Adaptations in differentiated HIV treatment initiation In order to support HIV treatment initiation and reduce risk of SARS-CoV2 exposure at health facilities, adaptations included telehealth options such as virtual follow-up…
The slide decks from the IAS 2021 satellite session, organized by IAS – the International AIDS Society. In the past five years, considerable progress has been made towards reaching the…